

Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPCCPIRevshare
Minimum Payout : 40
Payment Frequency : Monthly
Payment Method : Wire Transfer
Referral Commission : 10%
Tracking Software : iDev
Social Pages :         
Contact Number :+7(4822)310877
Website :


Be Happy Int. Group sites stand out as world-leading international dating sites targeting western men in search of beautiful Eastern European, Asian, or Latin singles, and their Affiliate2Day programs give you the opportunity to build your own business and earn commissions on every qualified lead, first purchase or sale. The affiliate program is suitable for online publishers, bloggers, experts running a website, forum operators, and social media marketers with interest in dating and relationships. Traffic from non-adult websites is rewarded with fixed amount or percentage commissions, based on the chosen affiliate program, and you can earn up to $300 per referral. A two-tier affiliate program opportunity also gives you a chance to increase your income by earning a portion of the commissions earned by your referrals. Each affiliate will work with a dedicated manager and will have access to a vast base of promotional materials meant to help you build your affiliate strategy. With unlimited earning potential and commission fees paid monthly, the Affiliate2Day could be your best bet in building a passive income online business.

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