

Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPCCPMPPCRevshare
Minimum Payout : 10
Payment Frequency : MonthlyNet-30Net-45Flexible
Payment Method : Wire TransferWeb MoneyCheque
Referral Commission : 0%
Tracking Software : In-House
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BoomChance - you will see excellent results working with us!
Why choose BoomChance? We have more than 55000 sites with various kinds of traffic; we can provide traffic from more than 150 GEOs worldwide; we get more than 45 million unique visitors monthly!
Are you a publisher? We can work with many kinds of traffic: PoP, Mobile, Video, Mainstream, Display, Search and others. We guarantee quick activation of the work tools: XML feeds, open RTB and SSP. Guaranteed payments - get your payments without delay! We are ready to start anytime you are - the quick start of your advertising campaign will let you achieve high financial results.
Are you an advertiser, interested in developing your campaign or business? We offer various solutions for all verticals. Get access to a great number of direct publishers! Traffic filtration with an option of white and blacklisting is available! All types of traffic and a wide range of different ad formats in any volumes.
Start working with us and you'll launch your own successful ad campaign like more than 100 companies around the world already do every month!
e-mail: [email protected]
skype: live:adboomchance

Affiliate Managers

 Helga Faber   [email protected]

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