Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPACPICPSCPL
Minimum Payout : 100
Payment Frequency : Net-30
Payment Method : PaypalWire Transfer
Referral Commission : 0%
Tracking Software : Orangear
Social Pages :         
Contact Number :+17028858465
Website :


PLAYBEAT is a Mobile User Acquisition Company in the Digital Marketing Industry, specialized in cross-platform applications and promoting the GAME and APPS in the digital marketing industry, providing world-class marketing services based on its own software technology advertising, R&D and innovative services.
We have assembled a team of professionals in the gaming marketing with the rich experience in the advertising and promotion of various types of applications and games.
A team of experienced professionals in the software created a unique platform enabling convenient and fast track including all the necessary statistics for your companies.
We work with a large number of Publishers, who allow us to cover and exceed any Mobile Traffic queries. PLAYBEAT helps Advertisers effectively control the promotion costs by providing a variety of pricing models, including CPA.

Affiliate Managers

 Max Playbeat   [email protected]
  [email protected]

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