Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPACPLRevshare
Minimum Payout : 30
Payment Frequency : MonthlyNet-7Net-15Net-30Weekly
Payment Method : PaypalWire TransferUSDCBitcoin
Referral Commission : 3%
Tracking Software : Affise
Social Pages :         
Contact Number :-
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Alfaleads is an international performance marketing agency with expertise in iGaming, Betting, Dating and Crypto niches. With exclusive offers and the comprehensive support of our experts, affiliate marketers can monetize their traffic to the fullest. In their turn, advertisers find holistic solutions for promoting their business, a slew of traffic sources, consistent volumes and high quality of traffic.

Alfaleads: an ecosystem for affiliates

Affiliates who join Alfaleads enjoy all the perks our ecosystem has to offer:

- Exclusive offers
Alfaleads provides affiliates with exclusive offers inaccessible elsewhere, as well as profitable KPIs, good caps, and all-round support. You do not need to waste time negotiating, selling, or running check-ups.

- Applications
Our trusted affiliates are provided with Android and iOS applications free of charge.

- Unique legal support service
Alfa Defense is a legal service that defends the interests of our affiliates before banks and payment providers. Our lawyers can help to unblock bank accounts and legalize your business, as well as take care of all accounting and legal issues.

- Assistance with campaign launch
The Research&Development team helps affiliates with launching campaigns with new traffic sources and GEOs, and also advises on campaign optimization, selecting keywords, etc.

- Tracker and post-back configurations
Leave all the technicalities of configuring URLs and tracking to the expert team at Alfaleads.

- Payment options and supplies
Alfaleads has introduced two new services: selection of payment methods and accounts and working via our international offices.

Affiliate Managers

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