

Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPACPSCPL
Minimum Payout : 200
Payment Frequency : Net-7
Payment Method : PaypalWire TransferWeb Money
Referral Commission : 2%
Tracking Software : ScaleoUpSystem
Social Pages :         
Contact Number :+1(315) 303-8284
Website :


We, Affskingdom are a global Partnership Network. We provide a supreme service to Advertisers and Publishers. Our main company’s concept is to provide the highest traffic and minimize risks related to promoting campaigns. Affskingdom offers top quality traffic and uses a variety of marketing strategies to generate high income. We will do our best to meet your needs and desires. We give you the opportunity to monetize traffic from any country. And we guarantee fruitful cooperation both to publishers and advertisers. Our efficient and innovative network will give all our clients an opportunity to increase earnings It is our belief that our clients will be completely satisfied with our performance. Contact us now and we will help you to achieve the goal!

Affiliate Managers

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