Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPCCPMRevshare
Minimum Payout : 50
Payment Frequency : Net-7
Payment Method : PaypalWire TransferWeb MoneyPaxum
Referral Commission : 5%
Tracking Software : In-House
Social Pages :         
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ADxXx is an international advertising network specializing in purchasing and reselling of adult Internet traffic.
ADxXx is one of the most accessible ways of monetizing entertaining and adult websites. The system does not have an entry threshold for webmasters websites allowing the owners of online resources to extensively use SSP-platform. The advertising network accepts websites operating in any language.

Our advantages:
- Proven ad formats that will increase your websites' profit. Our formats: 300x250, 300x100, 728x90, 315x300, 160x600, and native ads
- We buy desktop and mobile traffic from any GEO
- Quick ad code integration
- Anti-AdBlock Solution
- Easy-to-use interface for viewing statistics
- Personal account manager who speaks your language
- 24/7 tech support
- Weekly payments of $$$ via PayPal, Paxum, ePayments, WebMoney and Wire, the minimum payout $50 USD
- 5% referral program and detailed statistics for tracking income from referrals

Affiliate Managers - Adult Ad Network   [email protected]

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