Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPACPL
Minimum Payout : 100
Payment Frequency : Net-30
Payment Method : Paypal
Referral Commission : 2%
Tracking Software : Effectus
Social Pages :         
Contact Number :N/A
Website :

Mi3Media has 600 publishers in the network and they choose the ads they want to run themselves. A successful ad campaign might see traffic from hundreds of publishers across multiple traffic types such as banner placements, email marketing, search engines, social media and others. An advertiser can however specify in advance whether they want to exclude certain types of traffic, like search engine or social network traffic.

Affiliate Managers

 Steve White   [email protected]

2 Reviews

  • User


    November 06, 2016

    Mi3Media is Great Network to earn . Very Reliable & Staff is very helping. Mi3Media makes every effort to keep their publishers happy. I joined them last month , on request they also gave me Payments early. Good Offer, Good Tracking System, Good Support.

  • User


    March 05, 2016

    These guys are making a names for themselves right quick. And its easy to see why cuz they treat their affiliates right and go above and beyond the call of duty for them just like they promise they will. Their the real deal for rizzle.

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