Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPACPSCPL
Minimum Payout : 50
Payment Frequency : Net-30
Payment Method : Cheque
Referral Commission : 1%
Tracking Software : Cake Marketing
Social Pages :      
Contact Number :303-473-0000
Website :


Intela is a global performance-based marketing firm, specializing in lead generation and customer acquisition. We blend proprietary technology with experience in email marketing, data management, affiliate marketing, and our direct-to-client relationships. We have offices in the United States and United Kingdom to service your needs. CrispAds, a division of Intela, is the leading US and international CPA network, connecting you to hundreds of international publishers boosting your performance-based campaigns. Crisp Ads works with leading advertisers around the globe, providing our publishers with a vast selection of top performing campaigns across all verticals. CrispAds publishers have access to scores of leading, exclusive offers available only with the CrispAds network.

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